Operation Secured Tomorrow

Operation Secure Tomorrow is an operation that took place from February-July 2004 in which a multi-national force led led by 3rd Battalion 8th Marines was sent by President George W. Bush to Haiti to protect US interests in Haiti. The CIA was believed to be behind the plot after it was revealed that the National Institute for Democracy, a US Congress funded organization played a major role by funding opponents of the Lavalas government. The government was overthrown by rebels, led by Guy Philippe, Winter Etienne, and Jodel Chamblain in order to oust President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who was accused of being corrupt. With the government over thrown there was complete lawlessness and chaos, which in 4 short months the multi-national peace making forces brought back to order.The countries that participated in the operation were Chile, a close ally of the US in Latin America and Canada's Liberal government that wanted to show its support for American foreign policy after its opposition to the Iraq War to remove Saddam Hussein and his Baath regime.